Spend quality family time this Christmas with a fun family board game!
Every family has their own Christmas traditions, usually they involve leaving brandy and mince pies out for Father Christmas, hanging stockings by the fire and watching The Wizard of Oz. One great tradition is the playing of a well-loved board game after Christmas dinner, somehow beating Grandad at Cluedo helps to digest all the turkey and stuffing and there’s something warm, fuzzy and bonding about the whole family sat around the table, trying to figure out if it was Miss Scarlett in the library with the candlestick or not.
Growing up, the annual post dinner Monopoly skirmish was an event we all looked forward to and as it’s definitely a tradition that should be passed on through the generations. Once the craziness of the build up to Christmas is over, the days following can be great for allowing families time to chill out and spend quality time together. There’s usually enough food in the house for another week, the kids are off school, parents may have time off work and extended families may be around. It’s precious time to spend as a family, hopefully to enjoy crisp walks around Tatton Park, a bit of chill out time in front of the telly and a bit of screens off time where the family comes together around a board game.
Having been in to my local toy shop to get some ideas for this year’s post-Christmas dinner games I was pleased to see Didsbury based Giddy Goat Toys have a dazzling and eclectic mix of board games to choose from this. They have traditional family favourites such as Monopoly, Scrabble, Yahtzee, Connect 4 and Trivial Pursuit, as well as everyone’s favourite fun party game, Twister – guaranteed to get the whole family giggling in a heap on the floor.
They also have a fun selection for younger children, with a delightful range by award winning British company Orchard Toys, who have games for children as young as 2 years old.
Giddy Goat Toys are well known for stocking things that are just a little bit different, so if you like quirky, off the wall but brilliant fun, there’s Blokus, a strategic game which will have you hooked and bonkers matching game Dobble.
They aim to have something for all ages and all budgets and the staff are always happy to give you advice based on your budget and the ages of the people you’re buying for.
As many families embrace the idea of Games Night as a way of getting the kids away from the tempting computer and console screens to spend quality family time together it’s great to have a stock of fun board games in the cupboard . Whether you’re looking for a classic, something retro, quirky or something fun and new, pop into Giddy Goat Toys and see if they can help find your ideal family game for this Christmas and beyond.
Written by Didsbury based family blogger Jane Arschavir.